Same Day Full Arch Implants and Teeth

Same day implant placement and immediate replacement has been done in our office for many years. As we have invested in new technology, technology that no other area surgical practice has, we have made same day implants and teeth a very popular option for patients. There are two main groups of patients that choose full arch implants and teeth replacement:

1. Denture patients who are tired of putting their teeth in a cup every night, and want the look, feel, and confidence that fixed implant restorations can provide.

2. Patients that need a lot of dental work but don't have the time or finances to spend on all of the visits needed to do this, and just want to a same day permanent and cavity free solution.

There are a lot of factors that help us decide whether a patient is a good candidate for same day implants and teeth. Medical history concerns, amount of existing bony support, and overall oral health are three of the most important. At East Hudson OMS, we do a comprehensive oral exam, photos, and a 3 Dimensional Cone Beam CT image at your consultation visit and review all of the findings to find out which treatment options are best for you. Once that is done, we work closely with your restorative dentist to finalize and organize all of the details, so that all three of us understand the whole treatment process. Once the treatment plan is set, we send the surgical guide to the lab for fabrication.

The surgical guide is an absolute must for these complex procedures. Dr. Smail is one of a handful of Surgeons nationally who incorporates Cerec intraoral scanning along with Galileos 3D imaging into his implant surgical guide planning. He also is on the Visiting Faculty at the Cerec training part of Spear Education in Scottsdale, Arizona, and has lectured extensively and published articles on this and many other subjects.

If you think you may be a candidate for this life changing surgery, please call our office or click below and email us. We would be happy to see you and discuss all of the treatment options available to help you achieve the best oral health possible.

If you have questions or concerns about dental emergencies, please contact us.